Wednesday 22 February 2023

Jehovah, The God of Hebrew

As far as we have come through in HB in Context, the Genesis and Exodus to me is a kind of pseudo-history. The Pentateuch is a collection of important books that founded the origin, identity and culture of Israelist. After reading Dr Li's review on Wellhausen, he highlights one very important point from Barton's comment on Wellhausen, (wow!! that's pretty indirect😂😂😂) that '...Israel has become a confessional, (community) instead of national community.' 

Israel has lost her Nation and her temple. It seems the only things that they can hold on is their 'God.' The nation is lost; the temple is lost; all these monumental, historical and tangible were either destroyed or disowned. Religion seems to be the only thing that was left. Or maybe to put it in another way, the only thing that can preserve their distinctive Israel identity is their God and some remaining rituals that the Hebrews were still practising at that time. Their God is special, because he is a 'jealous' God. He doesn't allow any idolatry. He is the only one. As we can see there are many similarities between the ancient Near East history and Israel, the worship of ONE God seems to be the only thing that distinguish the Hebrews from the other Near East Tribes. The Exodus is not a sarcasm of history. It is about how the God of Hebrew has built up the nation of Israel. You may count how many times the name '耶和華希伯來人的神' has appeared during the time Moses and Aaron wrestling with Pharaoh to flee the Hebrews. (In Cantonese saying, the best illustration  is: '撻朵! 不停地撻朵'! '以色列人嘅大佬耶和華叫你放以色列人走!😅) 

Wellhausen's perspective can further be reinforced in this idea in the way that the imminent readers of the Pentateuch were the returned from Persian Exile.  The writers of the Exodus wants the returned Hebrews to remember they have only ONE God and that is Jehovah/Yahweh, who is different from all the Gods/Goddesses in Persia. 

Well, this Jehovah is so unique and particular to the Hebrews? How does it relate to us? to the world nowadays? Are those people that sack away the Old Testament make sense? Many missionaries are only giving out the New Testament, are they justified?

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