Monday 2 January 2023

用blog 交功課亞Sir請飲靚咖啡☕😜 (雪糕都得🍨)

  Using Blog to record the learning process: We can now use blog posts here to record your gain and doubts about this course!!


將上堂和閱讀的心得、疑問和學習過程紀錄下來. 歡近使用Web 2.0 學習!!

Comments and discussion:(15%) This course requests each student to actively participate in class discussion through raising AT LEAST THREE relevant questions or comments both on Brueggemann’s viewpoint in our textbook and contents during lectures. Using your learning in class to respond to present, real-life situations is highly recommended. Questions or comments must be verbally raised in class or posted in our social media group and/or course blogging site. It needs to be submitted in writings at the end of the course together with the term paper, recording the date and questions raised and/or comments made. (Due Date: 24 April 2023)

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